RHC´s English language broadcast for January- 04- 2022
During the last few weeks, several women accused the Cuban troubadour Fernando Bécker of sexual harassment or abuse… Some of them file a report to the police and an investigation is already underway involving the police and the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic… Although we do know that violence against woman and sexual harassment are part of our very patriarchal society, it was the first time that such an articulated group of women, in Cuba and abroad decided to reveal an alleged scheme of sexual abuse with only one responsible, one name… The accusations were published in a website that receives money from the US government, which made the issue more controversial, and some people lost perspective on what’s important in this tragic story… I’ll tell you what I know about it, and I will give you valuable information recently published in Cubadebate and wrote by two of the most brilliant journalists here that cover gender issues. I am Cristina Escobar and you are listening to Radio Havana Cuba…