RHC´s English language broadcast for May 01 - 2021

Today is International Workers' Day, usually a celebration in this island, where thousands take to the streets, in every province… Everyone in the family, able to walk and wanting to, gets to go, from the children, to the retired… Here in Havana it is experienced as a huge party where people gather, wave flags, meet and take pictures, only that you do have to wake up very early in the morning… This is the second First of May, or May Day, different from what it used to be, and Covid is to blame… How are Cubans celebrating this year, why is this date also so important for Radio Havana Cuba?

Cuba's Victory at Playa Giron and the US's Moral Punishment
Clara Caballeri is a Cuban entrepreneur with a new venture which creates unique artisanal perfumes
"No Christmas in Genocide.
Revolutionary road