RHC´s English language broadcast for June 25 - 2021
We offer our national and international news followed by Cuba's chief meteorologist Jose Rubiera with "The Weather Report." Natalie Howard has our commentary "Viewpoint." We have a commentary by British journalist George Monboit, on the link between capitalism and the climate crisis. Lena Valverde has "The Caribbean Outlook Show." Dianelis Gonzalez files a report on process that is being taken to get the Cuban vaccine candidate Abdala authorized for emergency use, bringing us comments by Eduardo Martínez Díaz, President of BioCubaFarma here in Havana. Gerywn Jones presents his weekly program called "Voices." Abel Vasquez has an exclusive sports report. Rach Gamez gives us her program on tourism called "Visit Cuba." We've got sports with Abel Vasquez and cultural news with the "Arts Roundup" and Lena Valverde.