RHC´s English language broadcast for July 08 - 2021

We offer our national and international news followed by Cuba's chief meteorologist Jose Rubiera with "The Weather Report." Susana Nieves has our national and international commentaries. We have a report from the World Health Organization in Geneva, warning that mass gatherings and side events entail potential risks and might bring serious public health consequences. Susana Nieves brings us a review of the history of the coronavirus -- COVID-19 -- and takes us right up to today, when the world is faced with a number of variants of the virus. Dianelis Gonzalez reports on new protocols for confronting COVID-19 in Matanzas, announced by Cuba's Minister of Health, José Angel Portal Miranda; the measures would speed up the diagnosis and treatment of positive cases. We bring you "Cuba Today," a very popular radio program presented by Cuban journalist Cristina Escobar. Natalie Howard has another program of The Front Seat, heard every Thursday here on Radio Havana Cuba. We've got sports action with Abel Vasq

Cuba's Victory at Playa Giron and the US's Moral Punishment
Clara Caballeri is a Cuban entrepreneur with a new venture which creates unique artisanal perfumes
"No Christmas in Genocide.
Revolutionary road