RHC´s English language broadcast for January- 04- 2022
We have national and international news from Cuba and around the world. Dr. Jose Rubiera brings us "The Weather Report." Susana Nieves has our commentary "Viewpoint." We've got a report by journalist Abby Martin on the poisoning of Hawaii's largest water supply by the U.S. Navy. Cristina Escobar presents her popular radio program "Cuba Today." Mike Hudson rolls out his weekly program "Connecting the Dots." Catherin Lopez reports on the numerous actions of support from personalities, institutions and governments throughout the world during 2021 -- especially from the 31st Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan, which arrived on the island in November to express its solidarity with Cuba and reject Washington's maneuvers against the Revolution. Rosa Meneses Albizu Campos reports from San Juan, Puerto Rico. Abel Vasquez has an exclusive sports report and Lena Valverde brings us cultural news with "The Arts Roundup."