RHC´s English language broadcast for March 25 , 2021

We offer our national and international news followed by Cuba's chief meteorologist Jose Rubiera with "The Weather Report." Susana Nieves has our commentary "Viewpoint." We'll bring you "Cuba Today," a program presented by Cuban journalist Cristina Escobar. We have the words of South Africa's Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, speaking at a ceremony in Freedom Park, Pretoria, marking the 33rd anniversary of the battle of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola. We have sports action with Abel Vasquez and Gerwyn Jones has his weekly program "From the Bookshelf." And Lena Valverde will bring us cultural news with "The Arts Roundup."

Cuba's Victory at Playa Giron and the US's Moral Punishment
Clara Caballeri is a Cuban entrepreneur with a new venture which creates unique artisanal perfumes
"No Christmas in Genocide.
Revolutionary road