RHC´s English language broadcast for June 29 - 2021
We have national and international news -- from Cuba and around the world -- followed by Dr. Jose Rubiera with "The Weather Report." Natalie Howard brings us our international and national commentaries. We have a report on the presidential elections in Peru, more than three weeks after they were held in that Andean country. Dianelis Gonzalez files a report on the anti-COVID-19 clinical trial known as Soberana Pediatrics, with the participation of the first 25 children between three and 11 years of age. Cristina Escobar has her popular radio program "Cuba Today." Mike Hudson brings us his weekly program "Connecting the Dots." Rosa Meneses Albizu Campos reports from San Juan, Puerto Rico. Abel Vasquez has an exclusive sports report and Lena Valverde brings us cultural news with "The Arts Roundup."