RHC´s English language broadcast for May 20 - 2022

"VOICES "The tragedy of Saratoga Hotel, which has recently turned into authentic sadness and desperation for so many families and people in our country, but which has also tested and proved the most spontaneus sense of braveness, solidarity, and the humanitarian devotion of our entire society is described in this week program by our group of students from the Higher Institute of Foreign Affairs as a sincere and respectful tribute to the 46 unfortunate víctims, their relatives and friends, with the logical and undesputed intention the truth and the real facts can be definitely known by all of you, our loyal audience...Eternal and endless glory to those who lost their lives on that trágicas day! Thank you all for your confidence..

Cuba's Victory at Playa Giron and the US's Moral Punishment
Clara Caballeri is a Cuban entrepreneur with a new venture which creates unique artisanal perfumes
"No Christmas in Genocide.
Revolutionary road