RHC´s English language broadcast for June 10 - 2021
We offer our national and international news followed by Cuba's chief meteorologist Jose Rubiera with "The Weather Report." Susana Nieves has our national and international commentaries. We'll share an interview by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now speaking to Mariam Barghouti, a Palestinian writer and researcher, about Israel's continued persecution of Palestinians. We've got "Cuba Today," a very popular radio program presented by Cuban journalist Cristina Escobar. Dianelis Gonzalez has a report on the affect of Washington's unjust and genocidal blockade imposed on Cuba in the area of agricultural development. Natalie Howard brings us her weekly show The Front Seat -- with a special program in honor of World Environment Day celebrated June 5th. We have sports action with Abel Vasquez. Gerywn Jones has his weekly program "From the Bookshelf." And Lena Valverde presents cultural news with "The Arts Roundup."