RHC´s English language broadcast for August 16 - 2021

Cuba is experiencing its worst moment of the pandemic, and that, in spite of having over three million people fully vaccinated… The last available report of this August 16th indicates that over 9 thousand people were confirmed with Covid 19 in the last 24 hours and 65 people died of the disease… As expected when there are so many active cases, the health system is under such pressure that is not able to respond to the needs of this amount of people requiring medical care… The latest crisis is related to the shortage in oxygen supplies… Why is this happening? What is the government doing to tackle this challenge?

Cuba's Victory at Playa Giron and the US's Moral Punishment
Clara Caballeri is a Cuban entrepreneur with a new venture which creates unique artisanal perfumes
"No Christmas in Genocide.
Revolutionary road