RHC´s English language broadcast for July 01 - 2021
We offer our national and international news followed by Cuba's chief meteorologist Jose Rubiera with "The Weather Report." Natalie Howard has our national and international commentaries. We have a report by Peoples Dispatch on the demolition of Palestinian homes by the Israeli regime in East Jerusalem. We'll bring you "Cuba Today," a very popular radio program presented by Cuban journalist Cristina Escobar. We have a message of solidarity to the Cuban people from Carlos Lazo, coordinator of the project "Bridges of Love" / "Puentes de Amor"; on their way to Washington, DC from Miami to call for the end of the U.S. blockade of the island. Natalie Howard has another program of The Front Seat -- with a focus on vaccine internationalism. We've got sports action with Abel Vasquez. Gerywn Jones has his weekly program "From the Bookshelf." And Lena Valverde presents cultural news with "The Arts Roundup."